If you don’t know where to find the ifconfig command, follow the simple steps provided below. First let us find out which packages will provide ifconfig command. To do that , enter the following command:
yum provides ifconfig
Sample Output:
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: centos.aol.in * extras: centos.aol.in * updates: centos.aol.in net-tools-2.0-0.17.20131004git.el7.x86_64 : Basic networking tools Repo : @base Matched from: Filename : /usr/sbin/ifconfig
Or you can use the following command too.
yum whatprovides ifconfig
Here, “provides” or “whatprovides” switches are used to find out which package provides some feature or file.
As you see in the above output, the net-tools package provides the ifconfig command. So, let us install net-tools package to use ifconfig command.
If you don’t know where to find the ifconfig command, follow the simple steps provided below. First let us find out which packages will provide ifconfig command. To do that , enter the following command:
yum provides ifconfig
Sample Output:
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: centos.aol.in * extras: centos.aol.in * updates: centos.aol.in net-tools-2.0-0.17.20131004git.el7.x86_64 : Basic networking tools Repo : @base Matched from: Filename : /usr/sbin/ifconfig
Or you can use the following command too.
yum whatprovides ifconfig
Here, “provides” or “whatprovides” switches are used to find out which package provides some feature or file.
As you see in the above output, the net-tools package provides the ifconfig command. So, let us install net-tools package to use ifconfig command.